Tips for Writing the Perfect Proposal for Fiverr Buyer Request


No, I’m not going to provide you any pre-made Fiverr buyer request templates to make the process easy & quick, if you think so.

Maybe that could work in early days of Fiverr when buyers were just discovering it, and there were less sellers available for the job. Things were easy, you must have heard it from some old sellers.

However, things have changed now and it’s becoming hard to get the project that is why you’re here, Am I right?

10 Daily Offers are like 10 Different Opportunities for you.

Let’s have a look at what you’re doing wrong, the perfect way for buyer proposals and communication skills.

Why Template Proposals are a big fail

Every buyer has a different frame of mind. On the first look, one cannot completely understand what type of person is the buyer. With every proposal done using the same template you’re doing two things wrong:

  1. It sounds spammy to Fiverr.
  2. You’re not really getting into what the buyer needs.

Remember the first tip: An Effective Buyer Request Proposal is always unique and written by keeping in mind what buyer needs.

Get into the mind of the buyer. Understand what they need. If your template for Buyer Request proposals contains paragraphs about your previous work with a lot of Flickr Links or you telling your past experiences then your chance of getting hired for the project is only 20%, which I’ll be going into more details later in this post.

Writing The Proposal

Grab your popcorn now. You’ve to pretty much become a buyer yourself for this. Ask yourself: “If I needed something, who would I hire first and more confidently?”

Well it depends upon what type of buyer you are which includes:

  1. “I just need the job done man, I don’t care how much cash is spent.”
  2. “need the job done right now in X dollars. Fixed price.”
  3. “Met some CHEAP sellers who played me and now I’m angry. I need the job done, completely on time and only in $5!!!” (Worst position one could be in.)

Or “Hey, I’m just Pewdiepie, playing around to buy weird stuff and get my account banned.” (Just kidding, don’t take this one seriously)

Here are some set of rules if you want some serious buyer activity:

It’s not only about you (Don’t Brag)

I’m a buyer, and I’m here to get MY tasks done here. You think I need to know how many buyers you have worked with before? Just tell me if you have experience with something  similar to what I need.

In other words, instead of this:

“Hi, I’m a Web Developer who has worked with 287392 organizations since 2005 and many of my clients say that their experience with me has been great. I need to let you know that I have created 50 websites which I am going to enlist here for you to check.” (Just an example.)

You need to be like this:

“Hey, Hope you’re doing good. I checked the details and it looks like I’ve worked on something similar to that on this website, I can help you in the task you need. Let’s talk about this in more detail.”

This seems more focused and concise.

Your second Tip summarized would be: Tell them what you can do for them, not what you have done for others.

Try to make it friendly

You can be friendly with buyers, but don’t cross the limits. It’s not about “Let’s drink vodka together tonight” though, but get comfortable with them. This helps build trust.

Last year I got the project from a buyer by just saying one sentence:

and worked with him 4 times in future as well.

This doesn’t means that you also write the same sentence, try to come up with something friendly which makes the buyer thinks that you’re comfortable to work with. You can try to be funny if it works.

Be Yourself (No fake Portfolio)

As a new seller, you usually don’t have a portfolio. I’ve seen some people showing fake portfolio from anywhere around the web to gain buyer’s trust.

Only show the portfolio if your name is present on the website somewhere. But it’s a better practice to have a portfolio URL in your Gig or show it in inbox while discussing (only if the buyer asks for it).

Side Note: Try to include a Flickr link in the Gig or profile. Not your own website etc.

Don’t make your proposal scream “I’m hungry for your Money & getting orders!” instead show that you genuinely want to help them. Don’t show fake portfolio, instead let them know that you have to knowledge required for the task.

A Sample Buyer Request Proposal:

“Hey! I would like to get this task done for you and I’m available to do it right now for you. I have understood your requirements and have the required knowledge for this.”

Researching the provided details

This is something you should spend around 2-3 minutes on. Usually buyers don’t provide much details in their request.

Have a look at this Example buyer request proposal I wrote for a client and worked with them 3 times in future as well:

Buyer Request Example

You can see that this is how the research thing works: you have to check what the buyer needs, then I explained them “These are the sliders I’ve worked with” which told them that I know something about what I’m doing.

Moreover, I gained trust by letting them know that I will make it responsive as well… (Again showing that I know more than the other people sending offers who miss out on things like these!)

To do proper and quick research about what buyer is demanding, you can read out what they’re saying and check for necessary details. Just go through them.

Some buyers also add things like “Name your favorite color so I know you read this all” at the end of their request, which is pretty much unprofessional (and funny) but beware of things like these, always read and then write your proposal.

Reading long paragraphs is boring

Some buyers just need something quick to get to know you. Especially on Fiverr, when we ourself see long buyer requests we chose to not bid on them (I sometimes do this) the same goes with buyers too.

You have to be extremely concise with your proposals, try proof-reading the proposal once you’re written it. Remove sentences which you think adds no value and have no concern to the buyer’s request.

So another tip to remember: Keep things short.

Sometimes I watch summarized videos of books on YouTube, because we sometimes don’t have time to read out the whole book. Or before buying a book you’d like to know what it is like. We can say being to-the-point does have a lot of value in this world.

I also re-read my blog posts and remove what’s not necessary.

For instance, checkout these three buyer request proposals I have done recently:

buyer request proposals

You can see I don’t make them longer than a specific limit. (Also, the third person in the screenshot has contacted me.)

Tips to Communicate Effectively

This is for “What to do when the buyer contacts you in inbox?”, so if you don’t want to know, you’re allowed to skip.

Ask for their budget (if they didn’t specify it)

This is a good question to start the conversation up “I can get this done for you, Please let me know your budget.”

Usually clients do have a budget specified in their Buyer Request, don’t think that you cannot add more price than the specified budget. I have sent $50 buyer requests to buyers who have a budget of $5 specified, and got hired.

As long as you are confident that what you’re providing is worth purchasing – you can charge the amount you think your skills deserve.

Show some sample work

You can give them a taste of how you work. Do this by creating a quick sample related to what they need, if possible. If the task is bigger, then show them some old work but do this only if they ask you to.

Show them a demo of what you can do if you don’t have previous work.

Or there’s just a common excuse:

“I’d like to show you but every client has different requirements. I have always worked according to the buyer’s requirements.”

Prove them you know what you’re doing

Do this by using the terms related to your expertise. For example if you give them suggestions about which plugins would be better for their website (if you’re a WordPress Developer) they’ll trust you more and know that you’re an expert.

After all you will always hire someone who you think is good at what they do, won’t you?


You can do $5 or $10 less to get the job though, if the buyer demands to. But this doesn’t always work like this, if you think the task is something that needs around $50 then take the exact amount and explain the buyer that it’s not an easy task.

Note that, when you’re a beginner (a New seller) don’t hesitate in even doing a $50 job in $5. You need to build up your profile with positive reviews so you have to go hard as much as you can to get it.

Final Words

I do think it’s important to make your English skills sharper if you want to succeed as a Freelancer and that can be done along the way. Now these are a lot of strategies but let me tell you that the time you should take in doing one proposal should be minimum 5 minutes.

Just before you leave…

Below are some frequently asked questions regarding the topic:

Buyer is rude, what to do?

Report to Fiverr. The button is right there with every message of the buyer.

I created a Fiverr Gig but No Buyer Requests are showing?

There’s like million people asking this question so let me clear the confusion for once. So there could be two things why this is happening:

  1. You are a New Seller & to Fiverr doesn’t shows requests to new sellers all the time.
  2. Your Gig is probably a low category gig (it isn’t that much “famous” on Fiverr and there’s no much work for it) or the Gig isn’t created the correct way somehow (very less possibility of this one though).

The main reason is the first one in my opinion and here’s what you need to do: reload the page several times a day and at a specific time you will see the requests are appearing for you, note the time down. Check buyer requests daily at that time and the requests will appear usually.

In my country, for me they used to appear at 11AM, 2PM, 6-8PM. But this can differ with location – and whatsoever Fiverr has made it. You need to struggle with this.

I think it’s pretty much clear why no buyer requests are appearing for you. It’s not just you.

Why there are only 10 requests per day?

I’m not sure about this one, probably because they want only the ones who work hard with this thing to succeed on the marketplace.

Here’s a question from me too which I’d like to ask you:

Why are some of y’all posting for “Give me new WORK” type of stuff in the buyer requests?

You think that would work out? Absolutely not. Only hungry sellers are looking what’s into the buyer requests. None of the buyers do that probably. Bigger sellers don’t even look at them any longer. No one will hire you there so try bidding on proposals instead of writing a buyer request.

Thanks for reading this out, hope it helped. If you’re running out of sales on Fiverr, you should also learn how to rank a Fiverr Gig.

Please let me know if you have any other questions in the comments below, if it can be answered shortly I would love to help you instantly otherwise I will plan a complete new blog post for that specific topic if it’s worth writing. Hope you have a good time being a Fiverr Seller!


  1. I want to tell you that whenever I take two to 3 minutes to write down proposal just in 10 to 5 seconds buyer request has gone and it reached 100 plus request every time through this my proposal is in the end and buyer didn’t read that obviously please let me know any solution thankyou.

    • Sounds like there is much competition in your Niche. In such case you can have a template but not simple copy/paste but trying doing some changes every time you send the request. Why not try making some sample work, get your work online and find people around the web (eg. On Facebook) and getting orders from them, in the beginning, to get your Gig to show up higher in the searches?

    • You have to read the buyer’s request, find what you can do about it, let them know how you can help them achieve what they need. That’s what I do, and I think that’s what you can do about it. I don’t provide a sample buyer request proposal in this blog post, I give “Examples” only.

  2. Fantastic & very real tips which you mention here. Your way of teaching (step by step) is wonderfull. If you will provide freelance course for newbie that’s will be very helpfull for bigners and i think we are all very thankfull to you.
    Kind of Regards

  3. Thank you for another informative site. Where else could I get that kind of information written in such a perfect way? I have a project that I am just now working on, and I’ve been on the look out for such great information like yours. Thanks!

  4. Hello, I read your all the articles and found too informative, Thank you so much. But I have one question, may be this question is not related to this article. I completed 2 orders in 2 days, but after that my gig is disappear from the search engine. Even i tried alot and use key words everything, but can’t.

    The other question is that, in my niche there is no such time to think, to read, and the describe the buyer request proposal in 4 to 5 lines, then what to do in this situation, I hate templates. I always describe the proposal in my own words but unfortunately i send 60+ buyers request and didn’t get a message from there, but i get lots of messages from those who see my gig, because i make gigs through proper SEO by following WAQAS AHMED, may be you know him.

    • Thanks for taking your time to read this. In such case your buyer requests can be as simple and short as “Hey I CAN DO THIS MESSAGE ME SO WE CAN DISCUSS IN DETAIL”, try that and see if it works. Also I think if you take more orders (maybe try working on Facebook and taking payment as a Fiverr order) then your gig can go more up, would recommend not doing that many changes to the gig. I don’t know Waqas Ahmed but I just googled him and did found a little bit of his content on YouTube. I’ll check him out later!

  5. Hey afnan…I’m a new seller on Fiverr..What do you by “bidding a proposal “from your last point in this article…How is different from ” writing a buyer request”?

  6. Recently my account had restricted. The reason behind this which think is that I shared my gigs link many times to social media platforms especially in Facebook groups. And after this I received some notifications that “Your post is against our community standards”. This is happen because I shared the link of 3rd party website.
    My question is that how I promote my gig?
    Because groups is the main source for conveying msgs to many peoples. So, If I face problem by sending my links to groups then How I promote my gigs?
    Hope You answer it…..

    • You should work with people outside with Fiverr, maybe somewhere on Facebook and take the payment on Fiverr from them.

  7. Hi, I am sending 394 buyers’ requests and didn’t get a message from there. And
    my gig view, impression, click is diminishing, what should I do now?

  8. Thanks sir it really helped.
    But I need you to compose a well defined sentence to write when sending offer to buyer request.thanks

  9. Wow I just got some hints to improve myself while sending offers, Thanks. I guess you owned an Social media platforms where to keep following your posts…. If you got one kinda send the link…… Thanks Afnan Abbasi

  10. Hello, first of all next thanks for the detailed explanation. As you mentioned the time you came across most of the buyer requests in your county. Could you let us know , from which country you are? So that I can have a rough estimate of the time at my place.

  11. i am also a wordpress developer but new to fiverr. i want to know can i include websites which i have made on localhost in my fiverr portfolio. because i have not work on any business yet.

  12. hi i am also a wordpress developer but new to fiverr i want to know when sending a buyer request can i add a pdf file showing my skills etc?

  13. Thankyou so much Afnan. You’ve written a great info. Earlier, I used tk belive in long proposals but now during my reading this article, I made 3,4short proposals that would definitely help inshallah

  14. Heya! I just wanted to ask if you ever have any trouble
    with hackers? My last blog (wordpress) was hacked and I ended up losing
    a few months of hard work due to no back up.
    Do you have any solutions to prevent hackers?

  15. I followed all the rules and write a good proposal , but still I’m not getting hired by anyone.

    Please give me tips on having high of receiving orders cause I’m fed up

    • Hey, It would be best you keep on trying to improve your gig as well. Make sure the profile, gig etc is best so the buyer gets interested. Also, check the demand for the service you’re offering.


    I really got something awesome from your tips but I would like to ask you one question

    The question is below

    Afnan I got banned my one profile due to fiver policy where just 12 reviews and this profile were growing but unfortunately, I lost it now I made a new profile where just have the one order it’s fake order means ( my friend gave me to order over there) now I am sending buyer request in the daily base but not getting any response back and my gig is also increasing the clicks impression but not getting anything that I have to do?

    I have just this question if you can help me it’s really good for me

    Thanks for reading this
    Question By: AsifAshiq

    • Hey Asif,

      I would recommend you to check that the service you are selling is allowed by Fiverr so you do not get into an issue like that again. Further more, I think you should keep up with the buyer requests on daily basis (it doesn’t even take that much time of your day, why give up?) I wish you best of luck and you’ll land more orders soon if you stay consistent.

      Thanks for reading!


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